Here’s the Who, What, When and Why low down on this STD


Every year, almost 4 million American teenagers get an STD. If you’ve had sex, you could be infected with one or more STDs, including gonorrhea. Some STDs cause symptoms. Others don’t. You could have one now and not even know it. Just because you don’t know you’re infected doesn’t mean you aren’t being affected.


Gonorrhea is the second most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease (STD). Women and men can both get gonorrhea by having sex (vaginal, anal or oral sex) with an infected person.


You can pass gonorrhea to every person you have sex with, even without symptoms.


Why get checked for gonorrhea?

It is important to get checked because most infected people (especially infected women) don’t have symptoms, so they can’t tell. When people with gonorrhea do have symptoms, they might experience pain when going to the bathroom or a discharge from the penis or vagina.

So don’t put getting checked out off! Why choose abstinence? To avoid being infected with gonorrhea and other STD’s of course.Abstinence from sexual intercourse is the only certain way to avoid being infected.

Already had sex? Do yourself a favor and get checked out!

Here at Care Net Frederick we offer FREE and confidential STD/STI testing!

*Call to set up your free appointment at 301-662-5300 or email us via our website contact page.

The Medical Institute (2008). Gonorrhea, get your facts straight [Pamphlet]. (N.P.) Austin, TX.

To see The Medical Institute references, view or purchase this pamphlet, please visit