Jun 21, 2018 | Pregnancy, Pregnancy Decision, Services, STD/STI's
There are some events in life that can be life-changing, pregnancy happens to be one of them. Do you find yourself in this place? Have you missed a period and taken a pregnancy test with a positive result? Seeing that positive test result can be pretty scary. You may...Apr 21, 2016 | Relationships, STD/STI's
The physical risks of sexual activity ARE REAL. But they’re not the entire story! Besides STDs/STIs and pregnancy, there’s something else to consider. Sex is a powerful, intimate act, and can lead to emotional difficulties. If you hold off on sex for now, here are a...Dec 1, 2015 | STD/STI's, Uncategorized
Who: Every year, nearly 4 million American teenagers get a new STD (sexually transmitted disease). If you’ve had sex, you could have an STD. Some STDs cause symptoms. Others don’t. You could have one and not even know it. Some STDs make you sick today and others...