Abortion Information
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick in Frederick, Maryland understands the difficulty of facing an unplanned pregnancy. Perhaps you are considering abortion, you may have already called an abortion clinic, take time to learn more about your options. We provide objective, medically sourced information about abortion, pregnancy, and sexual health so you can make an informed decision. We understand that this is a very personal decision. We’re here to help. All services are provided at no cost to you. When you schedule an appointment, know that you are in a confidential, judgment free environment.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn more about abortion and your options.
Medication termination (also called the abortion pill, MifeprexTm) is FDA approved for up to 70 days (10 weeks pregnant) after the start of your last menstrual period.
- The “pill” is actually a protocol that involves taking two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, which are taken on two different days.
- The abortion pill is not the same as the emergency contraception.
- For women who change their minds after taking just the mifepristone, it may be possible to rescue the pregnancy. For more information, see: The Abortion Pill Reversal.
How it works – The first medication, mifepristone, blocks progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that is necessary for the pregnancy to survive. Without progesterone, the embryo eventually dies over the next several days. The second medication, misoprostol, causes bleeding and cramping, expelling the embryo and uterine contents.
Side effects – Cramping and bleeding are expected. Bleeding lasts an average of 9 to 16 days. Other possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, weakness, dizziness and headache.
Complications – In 1% of women, bleeding is so heavy a surgical procedure called a D&C is required to stop the bleeding. Fatal infections have occurred in a small number of women who used the abortion pill protocol. Before taking any medication, you should discuss the risks with your doctor and know what to do if complications arise.
Follow-up – It is important to follow-up with your doctor 1 to 2 weeks after taking this medication regime to see if an abortion has occurred and to assess for complications.
Surgical terminations are done by opening the cervix and passing instruments into the uterus to suction, grasp, pull, and scrape the pregnancy out. The exact procedure is determined by the baby’s level of growth.
Vacuum Aspiration/Suction Curettage – Up through 13 weeks LMP. Most early surgical abortions are performed using this method. Local anesthesia is typically used to reduce pain. The abortion involves opening the cervix, passing a tube inside the uterus, and attaching it to suction device which pulls the embryo out.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) – 14 weeks LMP and up. Most second trimester abortions are performed using this method. Local anesthesia, oral, or intravenous pain medications and sedation are commonly used. General anesthesia may be used, if available. Besides the need to open the cervix much wider, the main difference between this procedure and a first trimester abortion is the use of forceps to grasp fetal parts and remove the baby in pieces. D&E is associated with a much higher risk of complications compared to a first trimester surgical abortion.
D&E After Viability – 21 weeks LMP and up. This procedure typically takes 2–3 days and is associated with increased risk to the life and health of the mother. General anesthesia is usually recommended, if available. Drugs may be injected into the fetus or the amniotic fluid to stop the baby’s heart before starting the procedure. The cervix is opened wide, the amniotic sac is broken, and forceps are used to dismember the fetus. The “Intact D&E” pulls the fetus out legs first, then crushes the skull in order to remove the fetus in one piece.

At your appointment, our staff will perform a pregnancy test and discuss all your options. Our medical staff will determine next steps, such as an ultrasound exam, and the best time to schedule that procedure. An ultrasound can confirm if you are carrying a viable pregnancy and can give you an estimate of pregnancy dating. This is valuable information regardless of which decision you make. The abortion procedure used and associated costs vary depending on duration of pregnancy.
If you are under the age of 18, Maryland law requires that one parent or guardian be notified (not consent to or agree with) before a minor has an abortion. However, the law does not require notification if the abortion provider determines that the minor is mature enough to give her own consent, or if it’s not in her best interests to tell her parents/guardian (concerns about physical or emotional abuse), the minor doesn’t live with her parents, and/or a reasonable attempt has been made to reach the parents.
Abortion is banned at fetal viability, generally at about 24–26 weeks of pregnancy, but exceptions are made in cases where the pregnancy is putting the mother’s life or health at risk, or if fetal abnormalities are detected.
What if I Change My Mind?
Whether it’s an early aspiration, or a later term D&E, you are free to change your mind up UNTIL the moment that the surgical procedure begins. Maybe you paid your deposit, or you had laminaria placed in your cervix, but you can still change your mind. What if you’re laying on the exam table and the doctor has numbed your cervix, but hasn’t put any instruments into your cervix, you can still say “no” and get up off the table and leave. It is your body, it is still your choice. But once the instruments are in your uterus and the suction is turned on: it’s too late.
The Abortion Pill, aka Mifeprex, mifepristone. The first drug in the protocol is called mifepristone. Miferistone blocks progesterone, which is needed to sustain a growing pregnancy. A new protocol, known as the Abortion Pill Reversal, has been developed that uses natural progesterone to reverse the abortion and rescue the pregnancy. Recent studies have shown a success rate above 60% if the progesterone is started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill. It may not be too late, for more information, call 877-558-0333 or visit: theabortionpillreversal.