Jun 21, 2018 | Pregnancy, Pregnancy Decision, Services, STD/STI's
There are some events in life that can be life-changing, pregnancy happens to be one of them. Do you find yourself in this place? Have you missed a period and taken a pregnancy test with a positive result? Seeing that positive test result can be pretty scary. You may...Oct 15, 2014 | Relationships, Services, STD/STI's
Here’s the Who, What, When and Why low down on this STI Who: Every year, nearly 9 million people under the age of 25 get a new STI (sexually transmitted infection). One of these infections is trichomoniasis. If you’ve had sex, you could have an STI. What:...Jun 5, 2014 | Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick, Services, Welcome
Welcome to our blog. Look here for some great information on pregnancy, relationships, STD/STI’s and many other topics. As well as stories and advice from others to help you wherever you are in this journey called life. Our goal is to provide you with relevant and...